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'Kitchen Table Friends' - Stellar Women

'Every time women gather together in circles, the world heals a little more.'

The forever First Lady, Michelle Obama, in her book 'The Light We Carry' recounts how over time in the course of her life and while at The White House, it became quite hard to meet, form or maintain female friendships. This was largely due to the line drawn between the intricate nature of life in politics brought about by being married to President Barack Obama and the friends' urge to maintain and live a private life, away from the razzmatazz of a political life.

She says that making friends for her, albeit hard, had to be something she did intentionally. She would either make friends at her daughter's basketball games, at a book fair, in college, etc and purposed to make these friendships last long. She brags about her small group of 12 'Kitchen Table Friends'; a dedicated group of female friends that she has journey through life with from college days to now.

Female friendships, in my opinion, are quite easy to make. A simple chat over a cup of coffee or an effortless exchange at a baby or bridal shower makes women click. The challenge however is maintaining these friendships amidst either the busyness of life or entrance into different phases of life (e.g. marriage, motherhood, relocation). Like Mrs. O, one will come to a conclusion that they had a solid group of female friends after a journey that includes trust, care, sincerity, love and showing up for each other. The secret ingredient to any friendship, for me, is to show up for each other - in good and bad times, consistently.

This is why the Stellar Women docket of SGK had to come alive!

In our interactions since deciding to make frequent our check-ins, we have seen friendships gradually blossom and female mentors getting out of their shell. A mentor that would typically keep to themself is now the life of the party and one who'd only say a word or two now initiates conversations in the WhatsApp group! Ain't that progress?! A simple catch up in one of our homes end up becoming a full unpaid therapy session that leaves most of us re-energised and lighter, ready to approach life in a different and better way.

Our goal is not to each garner 12 'Kitchen Table' friends but how lucky would one be should this be the case?! If one of us is able to make and keep even one of us for life, wouldn't that call for celebrations! As we continue to show up for each other, we hope that we are setting ground for friendships that will last a life time, uncertainties of life notwithstanding!

As we keep making strides to educate, elevate and empower the next generation through Stellar Generation Kenya, we intend to fill our cups as much as possible because it is only when the cup overflows that we adequately and generously pour into others.

Here's to 12 Kitchen Table friends! 🥂


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