Are you a believer? Like do you deep down believe that there's a higher power that's constantly on your corner, rooting for you, always clapping when you win and shows up for you when in need? I believe in many things and that's among them. Yaani, mi najua tu God yuko na napenda kuimagine ni kama beshte mtrue na very close to me, I don't imagine him to be this giant everybody fears and bows to when he barks. Ni mse hucheck up on me, hubambika nikibambika, hucheka stuff nadu and pia huniguide kila time nago astray hapa pale. I just don't associate with him how society wants me to associate with him, we're just different like that and I love it. So kuna venye alikam through sana hii day 2.
Nakumbuka after niliambiwa niende nikam na hio certificate, I was so heart-broken why lie. Things like those are among some of the issues you go through and wish that you can just make a call to your mum and ask her "Mummy, what do you think I should do?", but then again you remember that she's not been in your life for 13 years and you have to figure things out same way you've done in her absence - believe that God's gonna show up for you. I shared my ordeal with people I call family and they told me to not lose hope and try again.
"Aje sasa bila hio cert surely?" I countered my sister's suggestion to go back and try again. She advised that this time nikienda hapo nisikuwe na kimbesho ya kupeana documents haziitajiki. I was so done with the idea I felt that I had to take some kidogo time and cool the frustration. How did I cool? I stress ate! Nilienda Tuskys Kenyatta Avenue nikanunua zile hotdog zao tamu mbili na soda takeaway at 11am, lol. I didn't care that I work out and that 2019 yo girl was gonna live healthy. "YOLO" was buzzing in my ear, I didn't care about nothing. They have this ka section hapo Tuskys where you can sit and eat. Mimi na hotdog zangu mbili nikaenda hapo nikaanza kukula bila aibu. Btw hakuna hata mse alikuwa anajali kenye nadu, it's just always in our minds that people actually care what we do, people be minding their own business mami!!!! Just do you! At some point kadem kengine kalikam kukaa hapo karibu na mimi akaniangalia briefly nikadhani amepigwa na bumbuwazi, lol...kwa kichwa nikasema. "Madam, na bado!! Wewe na watu wote hapa Tuskys mnishikilie nisiongeze yorghurt tatu mimi!!! Sipendi kucheza na chakula!"
My birthday was 2 days away so I opted to do my 2nd trial after that. Sikuwa nataka kisirani siku ya birthday. Sema preparation? I made sure I had everything. All documents intact, ready to take the bulls by its horns. "Surely Mungu kama leo katafail, mi wacha tu nitakufia Kenya. Beyonce sio lazima niomwone btw...but do that thing you always do aki...sawa?"
Hio siku nakumbuka I was up by 3.30am. Nikaoga, nikatoka kwa hao very early. Of course nikalipa 50 bob kwa mat and I was hoping for all things ziende tu poa. Kuna day (sio hii day) mat ishawai smamishwa ghalfa ponya akaingia. Alikuwa myoung and had a face that was good to look at, sio wale wazee wamekataa kuretire wanafanana na Mr. Ibu. "Habari zenu? Hii gari namekuwa nikiisurvey na najua seatbelts saba hazifanyi kazi! Kama unajua umekalia kiti na seatbelt haifanyi kazi toka nje!" Wadau na wadaudettes - sema kukru kakra ..kila mse akaanza kuangalia ka yake inadu poa. Yangu haikuwa inawork na sikuamka kutoka nje ju sa pesa ntatoa wapi ya kulipa huyo mse surely? Nikaivuta nikakalia hio side ingine coz ilikuwa inakataa kufungika! Karudia swali yake with a different tone ile ya "mimi sio mama yako" know that tone? lol, wasee wanne wakatoka nje. Akasema zimebaki tatu and I was thinking by this time atachorea story mat iishie. Wacha aanze kucheck one by one akivuta belts za kila mtu na huko mbele akikam nyuma. GOOOOOODD!!!!! Why does this have to happen to me?? Leo nalala ndani! Zile maombi niliomba! Halafu nikakaza haga hio side nimekalia seatbelt ndio akiivuta ionekane ni kama iko locked. Nilijua nitashikwa aki for the 1st time in my life! BUT yaani mi nikisemanga God ni msooh huwa sidanganyi. When the guy got to me he didn't vuta it, he asked;
"Madam, is your seat belt functioning properly?" Walai aliongea English, na si vako.
"Yes it is." I lied, with a bold calm face, careful not to show fear. He didn't vuta mine! He went ahead nyuma and shortly after found another culprit who was told yeye atalala Karen Police station hadi Sunday..hahahah, it was Thursday! This thing is so funny now but saizo hata haungecheka. Niliponyoka aki, sikuponyoka na pick-up ... niliponyoka na maisha yangu. Hadi wa leo sijui kama ni God ama kuna venye hako ka handsome boy kaliona smile ..... hizi vitu za roho unajua hazisemangwi na nguvu..maybe he felt a connection? I guess we'll never know! Afande kama unasoma hii, slide kwa DMs...BTW, just as the matatu drove off, my seat-belt worked! Nowadays I don't board matatus with faulty seat-belts BUT waiiit...DAY 2 had it's woes! I had a seat-belt issue but before that, this happened!!
Mat venye ilitoka stage hio mangware kedo 5.20am, haikuwa imejaa sana hata sidhani kamagira a.k.a assistant makanga alilipwa pesa full. Sa si fare hadi tao ni fifty halafu kuna venye hawaashoingi wasee hio fifty pia ina apply to all stages. Like hata kama hauendi tao unafika Racecourse bado fare ni ile ile. We got to some stage mzee flani akapanda mat. Kamat kametulia, hakuna kelele kila mtu ako zake then pesa zikaanza kuitishwa. Kufika kwa huyo mzee, mzee akatoa 20 bob...hahahaha wacha makanga aanze kuruka kichwa.
"Mzee gari ni fifty."
"Gari ni fifty aje sai asubuhi na nafika tu hapa Kenol."
"Mzee tusisumbuane! Ukiingia si ungeulizia bei"
"Kijana wangu mimi hivi ndio nalipanga asubihi..." (kijana wangu = emotional manipulation, lol)
"Yaani niamke mangware hivi nikuje kazi wa kwanza halafu unanipea mbao? heshimu kazi yangu!!!"
Bam! Bam! Bam! Akagonga mat. "Dere shukisha huyu anadhani nafanya kazi ya bure! Wacha akimbie hadi Kenol"
Mzee alishukishwa bila huruma walai. Saizo unaskia kucheka ju ya comments za konkodi ama unafikiria umlipie lakini things happen so fast sa ikabaki tu nimemind my own business because I had a huge day ahead of me. My seat belt is safely locked, hakuna traffic, gari inaenda kuenda, bolt kando.
Mat venye ilifika hapo Serena, nikajaribu kufungua seatbelt haifunguki. The guy seated next to me didn't even try helping even after he saw me struggling. Gari ndio hio ishafika kwa roundabout ya Uhuru Highway na Kenyarra Avenue na seatbelt haiopen. Makanga saizo ameenda kukaa huko mbele na dere so wanashukisha watu kama wanakuona kwa CCTV umesimama. Ju sasa sikuwa nimesmama, gari ilishukisha wasee hapo GPO ikaproceed to Ambassadeur stage mi nikiendelea kustruggle kufungua seat belt. If that ain't the devil tell me what is? be continued
Iko wapi Part 3 🤷🏽♂
ReplyDeletehehe....season finale inakwom, chill kiasi