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Showing posts from October, 2014

More of you!

I'm grateful for life. God is awesome! Step by step, he's leading me towards what he has planned for me.  I fail at being consistent with him so many times, I relax at acknowledging his presence every now and then. What i know however is that: He's still blessing me. He rules my world. He's my one true love! With all my flaws, I'm forever his. Been singing  this song for weeks now. I love it. More than my love for my hair perhaps? I kid.  There's nothing i want more of, than him. The more i know him, the more i get the urge to know him even deeper. The best part of this song is this: "You make my life so beautiful And as you are you have made me here on earth There’s nothing greater than this That is why I'll love you evermore. "


Flashback. Sunday afternoon. Kedo 2.30 pm. Mpangoless and seriously bored. Everyone’s got plans and are nowhere to be seen, I’m the only broke ‘good girl’ whose left behind to look after the house, and probably keep watch of those entering and leaving the compound. It’s mid-term, I have few days left to go back to the ‘Local Kamiti Prison‘. Exactly two days left to go back to Nembu a.k.a Nembu Gee. My uniform is already ironed and my school essentials in place, ready for ‘transport’ on Weno. Assignments all done apart from that Chemistry revision paper that we’re supposed to hand in at the reception! Aah, I still have time, lemme do it kesho morning. What do i do now? I just can’t sleep at this time of the day! Or maybe i should go back to church and spend time with akina Gatosh?..aaaaai, hapana! ‘Wataniambia niendelee kuosha zile vyombo za sunday school’. Ok, so what now? I have like Ksh.120 mbele nyuma. I had Ksh. 350 on Friday; part of the pocket money i had. I can buy ...

I'm here, Lord.

Good morning God. I know You to be the Source of all that is. I see Your wisdom and Your majesty in the sunrise this morning, in the birds who are singing and in the earth that is waking up to spring. You are the life force energy that moves in, as and through all things. You move in, as and through me. I come before you today to listen and look for Your guidance. I know that there is a plan for me, that there is a reason for me to be here in this place and circumstances of my life. In my humanness, I cannot see all that You see. In my humanness, I get caught up in emotions that cloud my view. In my humanness, I become afraid and then am unable to move. So, here I am Lord. It's me, Lord. I am here with You in stillness. I quiet my mind and my body and surrender myself to You. I re-member that I am a divine idea in Your mind. I lose the fear that binds me.  I affirm: God is my help in every need. God in me is Infinite Wisdom. He shows me what to do. I wait and...

Random things about me (ll)

Lets head straight to section two. If you missed part one of #Random Tingz, check it out here . Haiya basi na tuendelee! 26. What color is your hair?  Black . Type 4C natural hair. Afro. It's naturally relaxed, don't need a relaxer. I wear my own hair, I don't   buy hair!...I digress. (I'm in love guys!..with my hair of course. So please pardon the digression). 27. Name 5 facts about your physical appearance: This question is very challenging...simple but took me a while to figure these out! Height is 5'4. I often wear my hair up (afro-like). I'm light-brown (gah!..this is difficult to explain). Kindly refer to my pic on the side. I have a round face. How do we describe body size again? Kizungu ni ngumu aki! Ok, I'm Medium sized (I lack an appropriate word). 28. What is your favorite soda? Does it have to be soda? Cuz soda is bad for my health and i'm not a big fan. Fanta Passion flavor is okay though. 29. What is a strange talent that yo...

Random things about me (l)

I have work pending and some assignments due. Thing is, I'm not in the mood for serious stuff right now . Too much work without play makes Kangsy a dull nyako (lady in my mother tongue). Spending time here, doing fun, that's why I'd prefer to call it play. I came across some random questions on tumblr this morning. I wanna give 'em a try and see the outcome. Here we go:   1. What is your name and does it mean anything? Mercy is my name - Expression of compassion or forgiveness towards someone. I'm merciful lie! Achieng' - Luo name for a girl born during the day. ' Chieng' means sunshine. Does this explain why my face is always bright??  siringi. 2. How long have you known your best friend? Since childhood. We're blood! We're one! One womb-one life. My sweet sister. (though she ain't always sweet!). I also have other best friends. Mike B. where are you?? 3. What position do you normally sleep in? I don't mast...